I also am excited to tell you that I met my half-Nano goal. It took me until Friday evening, but I did it and I am proud of it. Which, since I had a work to work with, led me to agree to being tagged in The Next Big Thing Blog Hop to help us find new favorite authors. But first, tell me, what did you think of Nano? Did you meet your goal? Will you do it again?
Okay, here is how the blog hop works:
There are the books everyone had heard about: Twilight, Hunger Games, Fifty Shades of Gray. But what about all those books written by people you’ve never heard of? Some of them are treasures, just waiting to be found, and that’s what this blog hop is all about: the books you might not have heard about, but that you might end up loving.
This blog hop is like a game of tag. One author posts and tags five other authors who link back to their website the next week and tag five new authors. If you follow the blog hop long enough, you’re bound to find some books you’ll love! Maybe you’ll even discover a book that ends up being the next big thing.
This blog hop is like a game of tag. One author posts and tags five other authors who link back to their website the next week and tag five new authors. If you follow the blog hop long enough, you’re bound to find some books you’ll love! Maybe you’ll even discover a book that ends up being the next big thing.
I was tagged by Debra Allen Erfert. You can learn more about Debra on her blog, http://www.debraerfert.blogspot.com/ where you can then connect with her on Twitter, and even Pinterest.
This blog hop includes ten questions to help you learn more about an author’s current work in progress, so here’s a little info about my current project:
1: What is the working title of your book?
My NaNo one was Bonds of Betrayal.
2: Where did the idea come from for the book?
I've always wanted to write a story with a lot of shades of gray in it---as in, a woman who may or may not be trustworthy, who may or may not truly need Colby's protection. It's turning out a bit darker than I originally planned, so I might need to go back and lighten up a few things.
3: What genre does your book fall under?
Romantic suspense as always.
4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Ooh, that's a hard one. Probably Michael Rosenbaum.
5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
For a man like Colby loyalty is everything, but when he is betrayed by a woman he's come to love, can he forgive and forget?
6: Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Probably self-published.
7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
I'm not done with it yet. So it will probably be a couple more months.
8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Maybe a Marliss Melton book? I'm not sure. My own previous books? I have to think about that one a little more.
9: Who or What inspired you to write this book?
It popped into my head one day while I was playing horsies with my baby.
10: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
There's a lot of twists and turns that you won't see coming.
So, did I pique your interest? I hope so.
Here is a list of authors who will be joining the hop for week 25 on December 12th. I hope you’ll visit their blogs next week and learn more about their books. Maybe one of them will become your new favorite author!
Here is a list of authors who will be joining the hop for week 25 on December 12th. I hope you’ll visit their blogs next week and learn more about their books. Maybe one of them will become your new favorite author!
1 Karlene Browning (she has edited a cute Christmas compilation you just have to read!)
Inksplasher Blog: http://www.inksplasher.
Checkin' It Twice blog: http://www. checkinittwice.blogspot.com/
2. Rebecca Talley who has an amazing new YA book out that I can't wait to read.
Official website http://www.rebeccatalley.com/
Blog http://www.
Twitter: rebeccatalley
FB author page: https://www.facebook.com/
3. Emily Gray Clawson who also has an amazing new LDS YA book out that I had the privilege to read. If you have a young woman this series is for you. http://www.emilygrayclawson.com/
4. And Marsha Ward who writes amazing westerns that completely hooked me, (even though I'm not exactly a western fan.) http://www.marshaward.com/
So there you have it! Four new authors that could be your next big thing . . .
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