With so many people having a New Year's Resolution to lose weight, (including me) this book seemed right up my alley. It's not a how-to book, it's a book about the author Betsy Schow's journey as she looked at herself in the mirror one morning (naked) and said she was a 216 lb. "lump." That started her on her road to self-discovery and how she became a finisher.
(Here's her before and after photos)
You see, she'd always been great at beginnings and would start things with gusto, then peter out---including weight loss. Finished Being Fat is about how she got to a place where she could be a finisher, with weight loss, the way she raises her kids, projects, you name it. She talks about her self-image, her self-talk, and how both external and internal things had weighed her down. Something that all of us have dealt with at one time or another (and you know she's got it pegged when you find yourself nodding your head while you're reading because you totally know what she's talking about).
I loved Betsy's writing style. There were several times where I laughed out loud. Like when she's describing gym rats and gym bunnies and how she does in her first Zumba class. She has a very real, down-to-earth style that I easily related to and found motivating.
I also like that Betsy doesn't sugarcoat anything and writes down her successes as well as those things that didn't go very well. I would recommend this book to anyone who is struggling to achieve their goals and needs a little kick in the pants for motivation that's delivered with a smile. Perfect for someone who's made goals for the new year, but doesn't want to be preached to or made to feel guilty. Just a great book for inspiration in how to start a life-changing journey.
Here's the back copy:
After many years of being fat and miserable, with a few years of being average and less miserable mixed in, I finally had a lightbulb moment. The reason I was unhappy was not just the extra 75 pounds around my middle. It was the weight of all the things unfinished that hung around my neck.
I was always having grand ideas. I’d get excited about this diet, or that workout routine. Or starting a new hobby or project. Even trying to write a book. Problem was, within a few weeks the excitement would fade and that little voice would kick in. You know the one I’m talking about. “You’re no good at this. You’ll never keep the weight off. Why are you even bothering.” That little voice had kept me from finishing… anything. And every time I quit, my wall of failures would get a little higher — making success that much harder to see.
My adventure started when I decided I was finished being fat, but it snowballed into year of changing my life and accomplishing seemingly impossible dreams. Join me while I discover that “Not everyone can win the race, but everyone can finish.”
And everything is worth finishing.
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